
Friday, May 24, 2013

Garden Party Update

It has been cold and dreary here. All the plants seem to like it, I am the only one who wilts in the cool breeze. The chicks don't like it either, they cower in the corner of their pen and ruffle their feathers.

The lilacs are in bloom and I can't seem to get enough of them. Their fragrance is addictive. I also love this flower basket I found in the attic of our garden shed, discarded by the previous owners. 

I have been trying to get this little cabinet painted before our holiday party. The rain is slowing me down.  Meanwhile, I don't seem to mind the ugly finish so much when it has my pink watering can full of flowers on top of it. By the way, I also found the watering can in the trash. Have I mentioned that I am an obsessive trash picker? I need one of those stickers that says "I brake for Junk".

The hedge bordering our property is beautiful right now.

In between rain showers I have been busy planting. My window boxes are complete, although I may add a few more vines to them. I love the Silver Falls vine, it's one of my favorites. The humming birds are back and seem to like my pink primroses. I think they will also enjoy the purple Heliotrope, but I can't be sure of this just yet.

 A couple weeks ago, we began pulling off the black plastic from our sod where we planned on putting the garden. We began building our raised garden beds out of 10 foot 2 x 10's, and then realized that we would never have enough compost to fill them. So, we ordered 10 yards of compost to be delivered from our local nursery and dumped right from the truck into the beds.

Here's what they look like today.

We made a trellis out of long sticks and covered it with netting. I can't wait for the Morning Glories to fill it!

I also took the time to stencil our little tables that we made from things found in the trash. You can read more about it in my post DIY Trash to Treasure Tables.

I don't think the table jokes will ever end. My children do not understand my need to stencil.

Oh, well.

That's all for now. Have a great weekend!

Designer Mom

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