
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Garden Seed Give Away

Hello Tuesday......yes you read that right! I am such a spaz, that I fell asleep early last night and totally forgot about finishing my post for this week's Give Away on Anything Goes on Monday!

The winner for this week's Fallacy Detective give away is Sarah! Congrats! The books will be coming your way very shortly!

I have been debating how to proceed with the give aways for the summer. I wanted to do something different for the summer months. Since most people don't school over the summer (including our family), I decided to take a break from giving away books. Don't worry there are plenty more left for me to give away on my shelves come fall!

Each week during the 12 weeks of summer, I will be posting on a different destination on our Summer Bucket List. Each week's Anything Goes give away will be related to our Summer Bucket List. 

For example, last week we toured beautiful Olbrich Gardens, our local botanical garden. 

So this week, I am giving away a variety of garden seeds! One of my readers commented how buying annual flowers just isn't in the budget. I love gardening and I want to inspire others to garden as well!

Winner will be announced next Monday on Anything Goes!

Just leave me a comment to register! 

Check back for this week's Summer Bucket List adventure posting!

Designer Mom


  1. I have been thinking about annuals lately. We've never needed them before (first year in a house), but I'm quickly seeing how nice they would be =) I am cheap, so the thought of buying annuals each year is not appealing to me (perhaps I"ll just get over it?) so I've been thinking about seeds. I figured I might be late for that this year, but maybe not! Thanks for another giveaway!

  2. I love gardening. I would love to win some seeds to fill in some of the bare spots in our garden. Thank you so much for another awesome giveaway and the opportunity to try to win it! :)
