
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Meet Butch

A while back I created a new friend, her name was Betty Bling. You may remember her. She made a bit of a stir over on Hometalk.

Well, Betty just seemed a bit lonely all by her self. So, I created a new friend for her. His name is Butch. Opposites attract wouldn't you say? Betty is very sophisticated, Butch is grass-roots. Literally.

Butch is a happening kind of guy. He loves classic rock, bikes, and football. He's a true Wisconsinite. Go Badgers!

Butch n' Betty were easy to create using styrofoam heads that I found at Hobby Lobby.

I put Butch on top of a wine bottle filled with pebbles to paint him. He's very serious looking, don't you think?

These are all the supplies I used. Just some Magikote primer, Krylon stone metallic spray paint, and a paint brush. Don't forget the wine bottle. Drinking the wine is half the fun!

I added a bandana, some aviator glasses and a groovy necklace. I couldn't resist the earing. It just makes his Fiber Optic Grass hair seem more realistic.

For a step by step tutorial on painting and cutting the hole for planting, visit my post on Betty Bling.

I have them outside on my deck, at least until the next rain storm comes along. We have had some serious wind lately. You haven't seen the last of them, I have BIG plans for them in the garden this summer. Be sure and stop back!

Designer Mom


  1. Jessica Butch is the Balm! I love that you used fiber optic grass for the hair..It's perfect! I too have made another head and it too, is a woman, but I haven't found the plants I want for it yet... Butch and Betty make a handsome couple.. P.S....I love the butterfly you placed in her hair..

  2. This is very clever and beyond cute! I must do this!

  3. The butterfly was actually my son's idea. He wanted to name him "Doug the Thug", but I over ruled and named him Butch. I love your phrase, "Butch is the Balm!" Thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. What a cute couple!! This is a crack up. Love it! I will be sharing on social media and pinning. :)

    Thank you for partying with the Wildly Original Crowd.
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
