
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Farmers Market

It's Bucket List time! We have had a lots of fun this summer traveling around the country, but this week we are closer to home. The Dane County Farmer's Market is the largest farmer's market in the midwest. People come from all over the state to sell their farm goods here. There is much to see! 

I wish these flowers were growing in our yard, who can resist a bouquet such as this?

The market takes place around the beautiful Wisconsin Capitol Square. This is one of our favorite summer destinations, although sadly we are too busy much of the time to come on a regular basis. I consider it a mandatory home schooling event to attend at least once each year.

This market has a tremendous reputation, it makes for HUGE crowds. So many people are there that it's  hard to see the merchandise at times. 

You can buy just about anything here including, organic produce, meats, eggs, flowers and plants.

I want to take home every plant I see.

The "PLEASE DON'T PET THE CARNIVORES" sign made us laugh out loud.

There are also fresh breads, bakery items, fresh coffee, and even local cheeses for sale. Who needs grocery stores this time of year?

You can literally eat your way around the square. It's a great way to spend a Saturday morning.

I was captivated by the yellow cherries.

I love the people who use their right to broadcast free speech at this event. There are many signs from different organizations, and people also hand out political flyers at this event. It's very educational.

 They do good work here, I am sure.

The local symphony members are out too. These gals were doing a great job. 

This church on the square has the most beautiful doorway. I have always wanted to take a picture of it. I finally did.

After we made our way around the square, we had a home made cherry turnover from the Amish bakery stand, then made our way over to the smoothie bar for some strawberry slush. 


See you next week for our latest Bucket List Adventure!


  1. Beautiful pictures! Farmer's Markets are wonderful, aren't they?

  2. I Love Farmer's Markets. They are always so festive.
