
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Renaissance Faire

Greetings ladies and gentlemen!

The Bucket List is back! 

I wasn't going to post this until Tuesday, but we had so much fun at this event that I thought you all should know about it, so I am breaking my own rules and posting it early. If you have been following our Bucket List for Homeschoolers you will recall our goal this summer was to see and do all those things we don't have time to do within the regular school year. Whether you home school or not, you will LOVE the Renaissance Faire!

Bristol Renaissance Faire in Kenosha Wisconsin is one of the best Faires in the country. If you are not familiar with Renaissance Faires you are in for a treat! The faire has a huge cultural following both in the USA and in Europe. There are four large fairs in the States, one in Wisconsin, Upper New York State, Minnesota and California. There are a number of smaller faires nationwide if you are not located near one of these regions.

Entering the Faire is like taking a step back to 1599. Period buildings and Coats of Arms make the setting very authentic.

The village contains many buildings such as this, they are beautifully decorated with flowers, flags, ribbons and streamers.

Part of the fun is getting dressed in period costumes to attend the Faire. Probably 50 percent of those attending wear costumes. The other half, well, they come as they are. I love this picture with gentleman in costume and the observer in jeans. Whatever route you choose it's okay, but be prepared to feel a bit out of place. You have entered the Renaissance after all.

Not handy with a thread and needle? Don't worry, there are plenty of opportunities to buy a costume here. Isn't this gown beautiful?

Of course, a matching cape would be expected!

This velvet gown is to die for. I have been attending the Faire for more than 20 years. I have never taken the time to sew a costume. This is a tragedy that must not continue! Who doesn't want to dress like a princess?

Your beau can even get a matching outfit.

Once you have your costume, you simply must accessorize. These hand made floral garlands are so beautiful!

There are costumed maids strolling about with big poles full of garlands for sale. It is very tempting!

Of course my boys thought axes and spears would be great accessories. I don't think so. 

All through the village you will find professional actors and actresses in costume trying to engage your attention. This gent was talking up "pretty shinny things" outside the jewelry shop. The actors love it when you respond in character and chat with them!

The hats were just lovely. My favorite is the one with the purple plume.

My wee Pirate. Awwwww! Lookout Captain Jack Sparrow!

You can also buy beautiful hand made ceramics, glassware, wind chimes, walking sticks, carved walking sticks, soaps, candles, tapestries and musical instruments. There is much more to see!

There are a number of stages around the village that have wonderful free entertainment all day long. Each weekend of the Faire features different themed shows. This man is  Doktor Kaboom, he is a comedian and scientific expert. His show kept us in stitches! In this picture he is using a catapult to throw banana slices into a volunteer's mouth! Hilarious! He also blew up soda bottles and sent a soccer ball 100 feet straight up into the air. Wow!

I missed the Fairy singing, but we did get to see her dance. She was captivating!

There are lots of places where little ones can have hands on experience. Areas such as this have actors who will educate you and engage your kids for exploration of living in the Renaissance period. 

If you are brave, you can tour the Dungeon. Not for me, thank you kindly.

Guess who is guarding the Dungeon?

I love this sign!

The highlight of the day....the Joust!

There is much pageantry involved with the Jousting. The King and Queen even attend!

The arena is quite large. Be sure and come early to get a good seat. You won't want to miss this event! They also have Falconry presentations here which are also fascinating.

It's been a long day. We could spend hours and hours here. I hope to make some costumes for our next visit! If you are interested in costumes there are many places to get information on the web, but the Bristol Faire Costume Guide has excellent tips and resources!

Come visit again lads and lassies!

pssst: I am starting a Renaissance Faire Inspiration board on Pintrest! Click on the link in the side bar to check it out!

ppppsssssttttttt: If you can't make it to the Faire this year, spend some time reading Robin Hood, Shakespeare, Don Quixtote, The Three Musketeers or the Shakespeare Stealer Series.


  1. We love the jousting match the Excalibur in Las Vegas. Not as authentic, I am sure, but all our children really enjoyed it.

  2. Fun fun! I love those flower garlands and the dresses are beautiful =) I'm sure you all had a great time!
