
Monday, December 30, 2013

Thrifty Coffee

I have been MIA for the last several days. Why is it that the holidays stress me out and leave me tired and exhausted? I have been sleeping for nearly 3 days.

Today I woke up early, ready to take on the world.

A little jolt of coffee sure helps in the morning.

I pride myself on making the best coffee for the least amount of money. I love Starbucks as much as the next person, but I can't justify spending that kind of money on coffee.

Especially since I read a book that said if you saved that $5.00 every day, you could be a millionaire in about 20 years.

I found this little cappuccino maker at the thrift store for $1.75. I usually use a french press, but sometimes it's nice to have a latte.

This little Italian gismo perks the coffee from the bottom container, up through the top. It also froths the milk at the same time. It's one of the best cups of coffee I have ever had.

My other secret to my thrifty coffee has to do with the coffee grounds. I use fresh grounds the first day, and save them. On the second day, I remove half the grounds, and replace with fresh.

For example, if you use two tablespoons of coffee on day one, you would remove one tablespoon of the old grounds on day two and replace with one table spoon fresh grounds. It cuts down your coffee consumption by half, I do not notice any difference in taste. This was a popular trick during the Great Depression.

Some of you may have more sensitive taste buds. It works great for me though. Every once in a while, I throw out the whole works and start over. For example, when company comes to visit. That's not the time to be thrifty.

Enjoy your day!

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