
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer Bucket List for Homeschoolers

Our school year is officially over! Yeah! We used to do school all through the summer, but I have discovered that we need the summer months to re-energize and gear up for the next school year. I need a break just as much as the kids to catch up on projects and do all those things I have been putting off during the school year.

One of the things we tend to put off is field trips. We used to more of them when they kids were younger and I worried less about them getting into college. Now that they are high schoolers, field trips just aren't a priority. 

We decided this was our summer to do it all!  We want to see all the things we have been missing in the last couple of years. 


We made our list, and each week we will take you on a learning adventure this summer! Ready? Hop aboard the bus for our first stop!

Can you guess where we are?

We aren't in our back yard, that's for sure!

This is our local botanical garden. Here in Madison, Wisconsin it's call Obrich Gardens. It's a truly an amazing place.

Coming to the garden has been a special thing for us for a long time. We never fail to be impressed by it. I love to quiz the kids on the names of the different plants. There aren't that many that they don't know. This is a boxwood topiary. We are still working on the latin names, I don't know if we will ever master them.

Our garden has a unique mix of different cultures. I like to think of it as social studies, geography, and botany all in one.

The best part is just over the bridge....

We feel like we are transported to Thailand. This temple was imported and reconstructed piece by piece here in Wisconsin.

Did I add art studies to that list? I should have.

The temple is covered in gold leaf, you aren't allowed to touch it.

You can see why touching is not allowed. I briefly wonder if my husband would let me paint our dining room ceiling red. Probably not.

I have heard Thailand is beautiful. We are fortunate we don't have to go far from home to learn about the world.

Outside the temple, there are lots of benches for reflection. 

"Why is Mom taking so long? Isn't she done taking pictures yet?"

No, not yet. I haven't gotten to the reflecting pool. I want one of these in my back yard.

I have to pull myself away to see the rest of the garden. I have to pull my kids away from playing with the rocks in the pool.

The kids are ready to go. We must return again, but next time I have decided we are going to include photography class. One more way to study and learn on the road!

Tune in next week for our next Summer Bucket List adventure!

Designer Mom


  1. Beautiful, beautiful! I really need some more flowers in my yard. We have a bunch of perennials, but I am cheap and hate spending the money on annuals...I'm sure I just need to get over it =)

  2. Thanks Amy! Annuals are over rated, perennials are the way to go! It's great to work out an exchange with one of your friends or neighbors, and is budget friendly. The other thing I like to do is plant vegetables in with the flowers, you still have to spend a bit, but then you can eat the results!
