
Monday, September 30, 2013

Anything Goes on Monday: Apologia General Science

Hello Friends! It's time to announce a winner for the Greek Study Package giveaway!

(drum roll please....)
And the winner is .....Sarah!

Thanks so much for reading everyone!
Stay tuned, there's more to give away!

This week's give away is an Apologia General Science Collection!

This giveaway includes the following items:

Apologia General Science Text Book
Apologia General Science Tests and Answer Key
Apologia Science Audio CD, MP3 format

All items are in good condition. The book is hard cover, it has slightly wavy pages due to getting wet during one of our science experiments, but other than that it is in excellent condition. This is an excellent curriculum for 7th graders. The audio CD is great for those audio learners. My boys loved listening to science while doing things with their hands, like knitting. It's amazing how much information they retained with this method!

I know there is a more updated version of this book on the market. The newer version is retailed at over $100.00 for these items on Amazon. 

If you have been home schooling for a while, you know that many updated text books are not worth the extra money. Frequently, they update photos and internet link information, but the content generally remains the same. Many times the old content is better than the new, because they do silly things like remove references to God and creation along with dumbing things down to fit with the new Common Core standards (Don't get me started on this makes me so mad I could scream). I used to buy new books for my kids thinking I needed to have the most updated version of things, until I learned this little secret:


This is your chance to get a highly recommended curriculum, for FREE.

What's better than that?

Be sure to leave a comment to register. Follow me on social media and tell all your friends to come on over and register!

Oh, one more thing! Tomorrow is the start of my 31 Day Series...

Do you love Mason jars? Do you love getting a jump on your holiday gifts? Are you on a budget this year? Tune in for 31 Days of Gifts Wrapped in Glass, a series about giving simple holiday gifts in beautiful jars.

You won't want to miss it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jessica! This would be great for us for next year! So, I am getting my name in the drawing!
    Your 31 days of Mason Jars is going to help Goodwill clear their shelves! Gwen
