
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How to Make a Cinderella Pumpkin Coach

I planted tons of gourds and pumpkins this year. The gourd harvest turned out great, we have lots of different shapes, sizes and colors. I couldn't be happier with them.

But the pumpkins, for some reason didn't grow at all. You see the little lonely pink pumpkin in this photo? That's our only one.

Doesn't it look lonely there all by itself?

I decided to do something special with it.

I decided that it needed to be a Cinderella Pumpkin Coach.

Don't ask me why I decided this, it just had to happen.

In our house full of men and boys we don't have any Cinderella-like things. 

Perhaps this was part of the draw. 

Not enough yin and too much yang around here.

The first thing we did was cut it open and scoop out all the seeds and pulp. 

Then we carved a rectangular door and two rectangular windows on either side of the pumpkin.

I gathered some supplies: my favorite tacky glue and two shades of litter, one gold and one copper.

I headed to my favorite tree stump out in the yard where I do all my messy projects. Making a wash of 1 part glue to 1 part water, I dribbled the glue all over the top of the pumpkin and let it run down the sides.

Then I sprinkled the glitter all over it. First with the gold.....

then with the copper. It looks magical already doesn't it? 

When it was dry, I brought it inside and glued some scraps of old braid around the door and windows. The tacky glue didn't work as well for the braid. I suppose the manufacturer never tried gluing braid onto a pumpkin with it. I ended up using some straight pins to hold the braid in place while the glue dried. Hot glue may have worked better for the braid.

I had this cute little wagon I found at the thrift store, and I put the Pumpkin Coach in it along with some  gourds and vines. I am sorry for the poor picture, I will try to take a better one in the morning.

I added some black rats I found at the Dollar Store to pull the coach, along with some plastic horses I got at a rummage sale and a time piece. Cinderella has to have a time piece you know.

Off to the ball!

Three Mango Seeds

Dwellings-The Heart of Your Home


  1. Oh! This is great! Your pretty glittery Cinderella pumpkin made me smile today! : ) Love your creativity. Catherine (newest follower of your blogging adventures!)
