
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Meet Betty Bling

 I am obsessed with gardening. It's one of my compulsive behaviors. Like my obsession with ButterfliesGiving Away Books, and Learning About My Dead Relatives. Did you know that I once painted the 11 rooms in our big, old Victorian house 33 times in a span of 10 years? I really do get obsessed with things. I just can't help myself. 

 Right now, my gardening obsession comes from the fact that it's April 21st and it's still snowing outside in Wisconsin. I am desperate for an outlet since I still can't plant anything in the garden.

 If you follow me on Pintrest, you will know that I have had this garden head photo pinned for a while. You see, I used to work at a greenhouse. Every spring the owner would get a shipment of these heads and they would sell like hotcakes. Every year I would promise myself I would buy one but I never did. Probably because they retail for $75.00 or more and just didn't fit into my thrifty home school mom budget. But, I still wanted one. Badly. Have you ever put something off that you regretted?

Recently I spied this foam head at the craft store (Hobby Lobby) and I got to thinking.... Hummmm, I wonder if that would work as a garden head? It was only a few dollars so I decided to try it. I also picked up some Magikote Primer and some Krylon Stone Metallic Spray Paint. I decided to name my head Betty.

The first thing I did was paint Betty with 2 coats of the Magikote. It seals the foam and makes it ready for the finish coat of paint.

I put Betty atop an empty wine bottle to dry. She has a hole in the base of her neck that works great for this purpose. My kids said it looked creepy. Nah. I don't think so.

When she was dry, I drew a 6" circle at the top of her head with a compass. I used it as a guideline for painting, I didn't want to paint the portion I knew I was going to remove later for planting.

Then I sprayed Betty with the Stone Metallic paint. I used two coats which would have dried sooner had I brought it into the house. Why do I not think of these things until it's too late?

 When she was finally dry, I hollowed out the top of her head with a sharp knife. I probably should have purchased the special knife for cutting foam at the craft store, but instead I used a parring knife which really made a mess of things. I am a slow learner sometimes. 

I also made a hole in for drainage.....

 This was pretty easy since she already had a hole at the bottom of her neck. 

I fell in love with this succulent from Home Depot and decided it would be perfect for Betty's hair. I added some small pebbles to the wine bottle for stability. Then I gave Betty some Bling with a few pieces of my old jewelry and some extra glasses. 

I hadn't intended to keep Betty on the wine bottle permanently, but I kind of like her there. She looks more interesting floating in the air. I may change my mind about this when it comes time to put her outside, but for now she's going to stay put.

Someone said she kind of looks like me. Nah, I don't see it. Do you?

Have a great day!
Today's Linkup:

Designer Mom

p.s. I have gotten some of the nicest comments lately, thank you so much for reading and commenting! I really appreciate it!


  1. Betty looks amazing! Great idea and great job!

  2. Visiting from Hometalk. Love this project!

  3. love it I must try it

  4. I think she does look like you, both of you are pretty!!!

    I have the same succulent 'heads' pinned to my board as well and have priced them, way out of my price range but thankx to you this could be very affordable. It is a GREAT idea!

    Thank YOU very much!

  5. I love this idea! Will have to make one for sure!! Kerrie

  6. Jessica - Nice job with Betty!! I love it! Just wanted to tell you, I got the head with the burro's tail you have pictured at Gordmans last year. They only had 2 and I think I was just at the right place at the right time. I have it posted on my Pinterest account, I've started following you. You should take a look, the pic is from last year. I'll try to post it on your Pinterest too. Thank you, and keep up the good work!

  7. Jessica: want to show you the head I got at gordons. I started following you on pinterest, but I don't know how to pin this so you will see it!!

  8. my Question Its, So The roots Really Grow Through The styrofoam? Or do you plant it in something else inside the head?

    1. The roots will not grow through the styrofoam nor will it break down easily. I have used styrofoam peanuts in the bottoms of my pots for years for drainage and they do not decompose. Eventually the plant will probably have to be split or replaced, as I am sure the roots will eventually be too big. Keep in mind that succulents generally don't have very large roots so they are a good choice for this type of container. Thanks for reading!

  9. I happen to have the same photo of those garden heads on my hometalk post. I posted it last year when I joined hometalk. I too found them at the moment out of my budget... So I have been researching ways I could make them. I think you are very creative, I love what you have done and I'm going to try and make it and will post when I'm done...

    P.S..I'd like to put it outside when I make it on my apartment porch. Thanks for sharing!

  10. LOVE IT!!! This is so clever. Did you put soil into the head or place a pot with soil in the head? I wondered if the Styrofoam would hold up.

    1. I just removed the plant from the pot and put it in the head. Ideally, it would be easier to keep the pot in the head but I cut my hole a bit on the small side and I was rather impatient to plant. If you leave the plant in the pot it is easy to remove it and add a different one for the various seasons. Thanks for reading!

  11. Thank you so much. I will do this for sure. And thanks for all the tips about things you would have done diferently. I will definitely spring for the foam knife (but, like you, I would have thought I could do without it). I have always loved vases and planters with in the shape of a head. We just got a Hobby Lobby in my town. Yeah!

  12. did you just set the plant still in its pot down in her head or did you plant it straight in?

  13. I took the plant out of the pot, but you could just as easily leave it in the pot. I cut my hole a bit on the small side so I took it out of the pot. Leaving it in the pot would be a good idea, then you could change the plant with the seasons. Have fun!

  14. This is a great conversation piece! I will be adding this to my list of things to create! you are a genius! i'm following you for sure!:))) Thanks for sharing your ideas!

  15. You are a genius and i love the thinking outside the box that you do! I am definitely following inspire me please keep up the good work!
