
Monday, May 13, 2013

Anything Goes on Monday Week 12

Mondays sneak up on me. I find that after cramming in sports events, shopping, church, volunteer activities, projects, visits with friends and family, that the weekend is over before I even know it's started. I also find that I am exhausted come Monday mornings because of it. Perhaps you have that problem as well.

Monday Give Aways always make me happy and get me on the right track for the week! Here we go..

This week's winner is Dianne!

Is your book shelf full yet? No? Keep on entering!

My shelf is getting emptier. I may eventually run out of books to give away. Then what will we do? No worries! I am sure I will find something!

This week I am giving away the following novels:

Classic stories your entire family will love. Great reads for the summer months!

Pearls of Lutra

From the Redwall Series by Brian Jacques

Our kids really enjoyed these books. To be honest, I haven't had time to read them, they are on my bucket list for sure! These are part of the eleven novel Redwall series, but I do not know the exact order, but I do not believe you have to read them in order. If you prefer to do it that way, I am sure the local library would have more titles available. 

I am changing my rules this week, rules were ment to be broken right?

Follow me on Hometalk today and help send me to Lucketts Antique Market in beautiful Virginia!

Check out my Hometalk Link in the side bar, then leave me a comment telling me your are a follower. Have a great day!

Designer Mom

1 comment:

  1. Yipee. I saw I won last week. Thanks so much. Following on Hometalk! I have seen this series of books before & they look very interesting. My son is into the Pendragon books. Are these similar?
