
Monday, May 13, 2013

Inspired by Hometalk

I have been going through my old blog photos today.  Among them, I found one of my favorite projects, The Planted Suitcase.

I had this suitcase given to me by my former boss. 

It was all melted inside from being displayed in the store window. This made it a perfect candidate for planting.

A few holes for drainage,

a few colorful annuals,

made a great display on our deck for the summer.

At the end of the summer, I brought the suitcase in, added some antique table legs and re-purposed it as a table in my son's bedroom. You can read more about the Teen Bedroom here.

I am sharing this post over on Hometalk. If you are not following me yet over on Hometalk, you really need to do that. It's free, and there are so many great things you can learn!

Hometalk is a place for ideas. Anything and everything related to your home. Such as gardening, home improvement, and decorating. Got a question on a project? Get it answered for free on Hometalk! You can also post your own projects and tell people how you did it. Inspiring others is very rewarding!

I have been incredibly inspired by people's ideas on this site, it's been so much fun! I have been sharing my gardening projects with a great response! Thank you Hometalk! Here's a sample of my home page:

There are lots of pictures, and easy tutorial directions for all your home projects! You can create your own idea boards with a click of a button, clip and save ideas to your own board, or share ideas on Facebook and other social media sites. Best of all, you can ask the author questions and get answers on how the project was done. I have many projects selected on my idea boards that I can't wait to try!

Hope to see you over on Hometalk!

Designer Mom 

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea. I once took old leather suitcases and painted fishing lures on the outside, stacked them & used them as a side table.
