
Monday, June 17, 2013

Anything Goes Week 15

I have been outside most of the day today. It was far too beautiful to be trapped indoors. 

Then, after dinner, it was STILL far too beautiful to be indoors. And when it got dark, well, there were fire flies, and we did some Sparklers, and I lit my cool new oil lamps from the thrift store. Don't you just love Sparklers?

Who could come inside? The breeze was wonderful, and the crickets were chirping. It was sooo hard to come indoors, even at this late hour. I love lazy summer nights. There is nothing better!

But the Give Away must go on! This week's winner is Diane! Thanks for reading! I hope you have a beautiful garden this summer with the seeds you have won!

I have good news, and bad news.

Diane winning is the good news.

The bad news is I am going out of town next week, so I won't have a Give Away until July. Time to get away and have much needed REAL vacation with the family! 

July is going to be a great month, lots of interesting things are happening here, you won't want to miss it. Tune in tomorrow for the next adventure on our Summer Bucket List!

Off to hear the crickets........

1 comment:

  1. Yippeee!! I am so excited. I can't wait to see what seeds I get. Your evening sounds like mine. I weeded my rose bushes. I find weeding relaxing!
