
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Poultry Project Week 4

We are entering our 4th week of chicken ownership. The girls have been a hoot to watch and take care of. They are growing like mad! I can't believe how big they are after only a few weeks. They have lost all of their yellow baby down feathers and are now a beautiful creamy white with touches of grey on their wings, neck and tail. In the last week their legs have filled out and their little claws have gotten considerably longer. They are currently about the size of a plump cornish hen. 

Our coop is nearly complete and they are officially weaned off the heat lamp. We have had them in their little pen out back while we work on finishing the chicken tractor. There is a trouble maker in the bunch, this photo above shows my favorite little chicken Dumpling perched on the side of the pen. I thought chickens couldn't fly?

Well apparently they can. Where there's one trouble maker, there's two............

then three! You know what the other chickens are thinking, don't you?

Well, I am not going to sit around here. I want to be out too!

Yes, it's official. The pen is no longer working for us. I do not have the energy to keep tabs on 5 escaping chickens.

Fortunately the tractor is complete enough to keep them safe. I have also been feeding them some chopped garlic and a bit of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (1 tablespoon per gallon each week in their water) to keep them healthy. They don't mind the garlic at all, and will eat an entire plate of the stuff in a very short time. I consider it built in seasoning, who knew it was possible?

When they are installed in their new roost, we will also be using some Diamtomaceous Earth. It keeps their nesting area from attracting unwanted pests. Don't be too impressed, this is not my idea! I have been reading lots of blogs on chickens. There are some really great chicken resources on the net. My favorite chicken blog is Fresh Eggs Daily. Blogger Lisa Steele is an expert on all things chicken. Check it out! Thank goodness there are such wise folks out there! We need all the advice we can get!

I have also added a Backyard Chicken page to my blog, as well as to my Pintrest page. Click on the Pintrest icon in the side bar to follow my chicken board. There are lots of great ideas to share!
Off to chase the chickens!

I think I will rename my chicken posts The Chicken Diaries! More stories to come!

Designer Mom

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