
Monday, August 5, 2013

Getting Creative at Home Blog Tour

Welcome to the Getting Creative at Home Blog Tour!
24 Bloggers
1 Great Tour!

I am so excited to be sharing one of my favorite projects today! Glad you stopped by to visit my blog!

I have been thinking about WHY I blog a lot lately. I have decided it's because there are so few limitations. When I worked as a designer, some of the best ideas never made it outside the design room. They may have been to expensive, too hard to produce, the materials may have been unavailable, or perhaps it just didn't merchandise very well. 

It could also be that the CEO of the company, just plain didn't like the design. 

As Chief Executive Officer, Head Designer, Merchandiser Manager and Chief Production Engineer of this blog, I have the ability to design my blog world as I see it.

A world without any limitations!

Now, you may be thinking, that's a mighty odd way to do things, but I am having so much fun!

Seriously, this much fun should be illegal!

When a crazy, ridiculous idea comes to me I can run with it. Like when I decided to make this styrofoam mannequin head into a garden planter.

I painted "Betty" with two coats of Magikote Primer, and then spray painted her with Stone Metallic Spray Paint. 

My kids said it was a bit creepy.

I giggled and laughed the entire time. Not sure which was creepier, my giggling, or Betty's ghostly presence in our dining room.

After she was dry, I chopped a hole in the top of her head for a plant, and made a drainage hole in the bottom of her neck. I planted her with a hair-like succulent and added some old jewelry for BLING.


Betty and her buddy "Butch" have been out in the garden all summer long. They keep me giggling regularly. 

You can read more details about how I made Betty Bling and Butch by clicking on the links.

Aren't all CEO's crazy?

Thanks for stopping by today!

Be sure and check out the other great projects for today on the blog tour!

Here's the schedule:

Monday, Aug. 5:

Tuesday, Aug. 6:

Wednesday, Aug. 7:

Thursday, Aug. 8:

Friday, Aug. 9:

This is a great opportunity to see some great projects, browse new blogs and make some new blog friends. It's almost like being a part of the Haven Conference.  Plus, it's FREE!  

Start here on Monday to see the first five great blogs and keep following all week.  On Monday, August 12, we'll post a round-up of all the great projects for you to see on one page.

I'm looking forward to a fun week of touring blogs!


  1. Hi Jessica! I'm Kim visiting from Colors Mixed Together from the Blog Tour. I love this idea. So cute and original. Way to hit it out of the park girl!

  2. Betty and Butch are way too cool! What a fab idea. Luv.. luv them.
    Thanks for sharing.
    New like :-)
    Cheers, Gee

  3. Jessica, you are one creative woman! I agree...blogging is one place where we can do anything you want and be in charge of our creativity! Isn't it fun?!

    I'm so glad you're a part of this tour!

    Great project! :)

  4. This is Brilliant! I think I've pinned this from you before-lol- but hadn't read the whole tutorial! So glad to see it on tour- what a fun summer project!
    It is fun/challenging being your own boss- you're far too creative to be stuck in some stifling corporate environment! :)

  5. Betty is very cool, indeed! Love your creativity.

    Mary Beth

  6. Love love love that hair!

  7. I just picked up a foam head the other day for a different project but you have changed my mind!
    I will be taking advantage of your creativity and our wonderful summer weather.

  8. It's obvious you are a former designer-so creative!
    I just love this.

  9. Jessica, thank you for adding great whimsy to the blog tour. I love it! Your an great inspiration to us bloggers to do what we want.

  10. We are most creative when uninhibited Jessica. Love that you feel free to be you and express yourself as you please on your blog. Great project :)

  11. I agree, at times it is so much fun, it should be illegal! How freeing it is to be able to express oneself, and then to be able to share it. Betty and Butch are the coolest!! ~ Amy

  12. How creative is this! Happy to be on the tour with you!

  13. These are tooooooooooo cute. Very different and unusual. They make me smile. Visiting the blog tour!

    Cathy's Cupboard Calmity <;)
