
Monday, April 15, 2013

Anything Goes Week 8

Hello friends in blog-land! It's Monday again, and time for another give away!

I have had so much fun doing these give aways! My shelves are getting cleaner and everyone has been so grateful for the books. Take Dianne for instance....

She was the winner of the Math book give away a few weeks ago. She sent me this photo of her older daughter reading one of the books to her younger sister. Aren't they just adorable? There are no words for this kind of joy. Thanks for sharing Dianne! 

By the way, Dianne just happens to be the winner for last week's give away! More books are to come!

It's easy to win, just leave me a comment! Here's what I am giving away this week!

These Usborne Books are on scores of home school must read lists!

Usborne Time Traveller Knights and Castles

Usborne Book of Castles

Usborne World of Shakespeare

 Usborne is well known for their excellent content and beautiful artwork. These books also contain many interesting internet links and websites you can visit for more information on the subject. 

What could be more fascinating than war?

Chain mail of course! I should have known. I always wanted to have my kids make a chain mail suit out of key rings. Has anyone ever tried that? Or is that just a home school legend?

Leave me a comment to enter the Week 8 Give Away! Don't forget about the Wedding Gown Give Away, you can register for that until the end of April. 

Best of luck everyone!

Designer Mom


  1. I would love these (of course!) But if you don't want me to win another one, just pass me over =) Now neat that the other winner thought to send you a picture!

  2. Your books are amazing! We would love to win more. My Son would really be into these.
