
Monday, April 29, 2013

Target Gift Card Giveaway

It was a beautiful spring day here today. Sunny and 70 degrees what more could you ask for? We spent our day working and playing in the yard despite the late afternoon rain shower. 

We have been blessed with enough sunshine to make the buds on the trees begin to pop!

We have been blessed with enough rain for a few pretty little spring flowers!

I have been blessed with all of you willing readers. That's right all 39,510 views. I have been incredibly blessed this week in so many ways! It's my turn to give something back!

Remember last week's Give Away for the Mr. Putter Books? Our winner is...Dianne! Congrats!

So for this week's give away I am doing something totally different............I am giving away a $50.00 Target Gift Card! I am thinking ahead towards Mother's Day. Perhaps you have a Mother who needs a gift, or perhaps you are a Mom and you do things like give all your socks to your children and go without socks all winter because that's what Mom's do. Well, now it's your turn to be blessed! Spend it anyway you like, $50.00 can go a pretty long way at Target!

Here are the rules: Leave me a comment in order to win! Don't forget to leave me a way to contact you when you win! Pass this Give Away on to your friends!

Good Luck!
Designer Mom

p.s. If you would like to know how I made the chevron tray in the photos above read Keep Calm and Paint.


  1. I have loved every giveaway you have done Jessica, but even more I love all the helpful, real hands on tips you share!! You vision and know how is amazing! Have an amazing week!

  2. I love that tray, Jess! Lisa Krause-Hengst

  3. I usually enter to win things for my kids, but I think I could EASILY find some things for myself with a Target Gift Card. I want to thank you for all your wonderful giveaways (especially the ones we have won!) and for the opportunity to try to win this one as well. email -

  4. Target is the best...I can find gifts for anyone there!

  5. Love the pics of the flowers, so pretty, and thanks for the chance for the Target gift card.

  6. Your flowers are beautiful! Thanks!

    1. Sara, you are the Gift Card Winner, send me an email at to claim your prize! Congrats!

  7. Are you going crazy? Giving away straight money? Well, I'd be happy to take that off your hands =) I was reading from the Bluebird nature book you sent me earlier today. The kids and I were outside enjoying a beautiful day and they were able to watch the birds in our yard as I read. My son kept asking me to read more (he just had to know what was going to happen next!), so thank you!

  8. Love the arrangements and the beautiful colors -

  9. I love Target, thanks so much for the giveaway.

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  10. I'm loving the buds on the trees here, too! Thanks for the giveaway! :)
    CrystalW07 at

  11. I really like that tray and shall be attempting it myself. Thank you for that and the giveaway
