
Friday, May 3, 2013

Embarrassing Moments

What are your most embarassing moments in life? Everyone has them. I went to a spiritual retreat one time where everyone sat in a circle and as an ice breaker, we had to tell COMPLETE STRANGERS one of our life's most embarrassing moments.


Yup. So today, since I am a complete stranger to most of you, I am going to tell you some of my most embarassing moments. Perhaps some of you can relate.

I went to school in New York City, and my husband (back then he was my fiance) came to visit me on our school break. We were doing some site seeing and decided to pay a visit to the Empire State Building. While riding in the elevator to the top floor of the building (which is 105 floors up) we were on the elevator for at a long time as it's an old elevator and is very slow getting to the top. The elevator was filled with tourists from around the globe, and we seemed to be the only Americans there. While we were on the elevator, my lunch came back to haunt me. Seriously, it did. I had some chili for lunch that day, and chili doesn't always agree with me. Our 5 minute elevator ride, seemed like 10 hours. My fiancé was nearly purple with embarrassment and tried his best not to laugh or smile. I of course, was in denial: "What? I didn't do anything." Yes it's true, I nearly asphyxiated an entire elevator full of tourists. It's a good thing I don't speak any foreign languages, I am sure I could have heard those poor people talking about how stinky this country is and how they will probably never be back. Embarrassing.

Then, there was the time we were dog sitting for some friends of ours. We have never owned a dog, although I have always wanted one, and we know absolutely nothing about dogs. We took "Auggie", a  big, beautiful Lab mix to our son's soccer game with us. Auggie was on a leash and was patiently watching the game at my feet, so I didn't see anything wrong with letting go of the leash and allowing him to rest. He truly seemed to enjoy watching the soccer game. Little did I know, that across the field there was a dog park and walking path. About half way through the game, Auggie spotted some pretty little she dog, and took off like a shot across the soccer field. I of course panicked and followed, right through the middle of the soccer game. I will forever be remembered for my mad dash across the soccer field while all the other parents laughed. The referees chuckled and remarked on how naive some soccer parents are. Yup, totally embarrassing.

My most recent embarrassing family graciously bought me a new iMac computer for Mother's Day. We went to Best Buy yesterday to pick it up. I had cleared out the back of the car and put the rear row of seats down to make room for it. I was expecting boxes and boxes of equipment. It was one box. ONE. "Where's the rest of it?" I asked. Remember the old days when a computer came with a hard drive, monitor, keyboard and dozens of cords and it took an entire truck to bring the thing home?

My family graciously set up and installed my new computer for me yesterday. I played around with it for a few minutes before retiring for the evening. I sat down ready to work this morning, but couldn't figure out how to turn it on. Seriously. I tried for 15 minutes to figure it out. There are no buttons on the thing. Our youngest boy came in and said, "Here Mom, the button is on the back of the screen." Oh, my. Really?

Then, I went to plug in my camera and download some pictures. I tried for a half hour to figure out where to plug it in. My husband had to show me how the Mac has VERTICAL USB ports, not horizontal ones like my old Windows laptop. Wow.

Now that I can actually access the internet, I still can't figure out how to right mouse click since my new mouse only has one button. I do not understand how my pictures can be stored in a Cloud, or how my son can print his photos from his phone on my new printer while he is not even home. I have a long way to go, I guess.

I was rather shocked when I down loaded all my blog photos from my old computer. The ones that I thought were rather decent, are really quite dark. The pictures that I thought were bright and horrible are really not all that bad on this new screen of mine. I apologize for any unsightly photos I have used in the past. Who knew my 6 year old lap top was so bad?

It has taken me nearly 2 days to write this post. Really embarrassing.

What are your most embarrassing moments?

Designer Mom

1 comment:

  1. Great post!!! Hmm, most embarassing... I modeled in my college fashion show that I helped design and plan...however I was so excited and knew I would look like the girls in the simply irresistible video..pale with black tight of course I hit the tanning bed. So I did not look like those girls, I had red stripes!

    We have a football story, talking with parents and then wondered where Kaiden was...looked at the field to see the referee holding him like a football under his arm while calling playa on the field. He snapped at us to keep him off the field as I ran to get him and all the parents laughed. Sigh!

    Then this past Christmas playing with my dog in hyper mode and getting a black eye before Christmas.
