
Monday, October 7, 2013

Gifts Wrapped in Glass: Day 6

It's about that time of year. Time for the harvest to end, and along with it, canning season. It's been a few years since I made pickles, and my family is very exited to have them again this year. I am even more excited to make them part of Gifts Wrapped in Glass.

Our favorite pickle recipe does not include cucumbers, however. One bite of these Dilly Beans will make you swear off cukes for a long time. Here's what you'll need:

4-5 lbs. fresh green or yellow beans
6 pint size mason jars
chopped garlic
fresh or dried dill
red pepper flakes
4 cups white vinegar
1/2 cup pickling salt
4 cups water

In a medium sauce pan combine vinegar, water and canning salt. Bring to a boil. 

Sterilize the jars in boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove one jar at a time for canning, then immediately return it to the water bath. Add 2 teaspoons garlic, 1 teaspoon dill, and 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes to each empty jar.

Coarsely chop beans into 1" pieces (you can also use them whole, but you get more into each jar if they are cut in pieces). Add raw beans to jar, be careful not to touch the inside of the jar.

Try to pack as many beans as possible into the jar, add the brine to each leaving 1/2" head space at the top. Can you smell the dill?

Use a plastic knife or spatula to release any trapped air bubbles by sliding the knife along the inside edge of the jar. Do not skip this step! Wipe the threads and top of the jar clean with a paper towel. Heat jar lids briefly to boiling, then cap jars, twisting rings only until firm.

Process jars in a boiling water canner for 10 minutes. Remove from water and let cool. As they cool they will seal. You will hear popping sounds from time to time as the lids lock in place. Check the top of each jar by poking it with a finger, if it doesn't move, it has properly sealed. If the lid moves back and forth, store this jar in the refrigerator and use it right away to avoid spoilage.

Let the sealed jars ferment in a cool, dark place for at least 3 weeks before using. You can remove the rings for storage if you wish. Pickled beans have a wonderful spicy flavor, but will be hotter the longer they sit. We love having them around Christmas time when they are really HOT! They also make great gifts for the relatives!

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