
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Gifts Wrapped in Glass Day 5

This post is dedicated to all you pet lovers. It's been a few years since we had a furry critter at our house, and we do miss them. 

We have scaley and slimey. And we have feathery and clucky. But we still miss cute and furry. AWWW!

Right now you can make some cute little jars full of treats for your furry friends come the holiday season.

This is a two quart Mason jar. It works great for holding kitty treats, play mice, plastic claw covers, cat wipes and so much more.

How can you not love play mice?

A big bow and a few wooden letters can be added to a ribbon on the rim of the jar for identification. You know, just in case there is kitty confusion.


For the canines in the crowd, well you will need a bigger jar. This I think this one is a 3 quart jar. They sell these at Hobby Lobby and Target. I happen to get mine free with frequent shopper points at the Goodwill store. I love frequent shopper points!

This jar is filled with doggie bones, rawhide bones and a chew toy.


I decorated the jars with big plaid bows and another vintage style label I made especially for this project. I also added a bit of plaid Wasabi tape here and there. I love that stuff!

These jars will be donated to a local animal shelter called Angel's Wish.

Right now, if you make a purchase on this website, a portion of your purchase will go to help support the animals at Angel's Wish. 

This is my sister's dog Nella. Nella was rescued from neglect, lived in a shelter, and is now part of a happy home. There are a number of shelters that are supported by thrift stores, online shops and donations. They are in your area, you may not even know it. You can help just by shopping at the right places. Call your local shelter and ask if they are supported by any local shops that you can support. They may even have frequent shopper points. BONUS!

This post is part of an entire blog tour devoted to the cause of supporting animal rescue organizations. 

I will also be part of the blog tour that benefits the animals Oct. 14-18th.

Here's the schedule:

Monday, October 14

Tuesday, October 15 

 Wednesday, October 16

 Thursday, October 17

 Friday, October 18

Be sure and stop by these beautiful blogs and see all the great ideas they have come up with!

Also check out the Hometalk Tuesday Google Video on Oct.22nd as well. Can't wait to see what they have up their sleeve!

Have a great day!


  1. Thank you Jessica for joining our Thrift Benefit for Sheltered Animals tour. I love that you're donating your pet gift jars to your local rescue. Thank you!!! The animals will love the treats. Sometimes treats for sheltered animals are few and far between. I'm going to add bead names to Homer and Bella's treat jars. Homer gets mixed up a lot!!

  2. Oh such fun! What a great gift for pet lovers and love the personalized names! Your furry friends are adorable!

  3. Jessica!!! These are adorable. What a great gift idea for the pet lovers that come into an animal shelter. I love the letter beads and the scottie-style fabric. Too cute, pinned and shared. So glad to be doing this benefit tour with you ~ Amy @ StowandTellU
